Sweet song, grant us rest grant
us rest that the magnets, which
attract and repel my eyes from
her eyes and her eyes from my
eyes release our eyes that they
are light on either side of our n
oses and not iron balls which c
hain our brains to the same mo
ments, disappeared, everlasting
Sweet song, grant us rest grant
us rest grant us mercy and etern
al rest that the iron bellows that
still lie in between my head and
my heels do not reawaken from
the dead stretch their fingers in
awakening blink open their hea
vy eyes look up out of their sac
red spaces, that they do not illu
minate my lungs where they hav
e lived and my throat where they
have been heard that my organs
and her organs stop rememberin
g stop that we be granted rest that
they finish dying, a full
and final death
Sweet song, oh grant us rest, gr
ant us rest, grant us rest grant u
s that her breath her breath her
breath rests and my breath rests
in separate bodies that she remains
in her body and I remain in my
body that we may both give up a
nd let our bodies sink separately
in separate seas that, sinking, our
bodies forget the touch of that
we find rest in the water of separate
ness that separates our breaths
O h Sweet Song Sweetest Song, th
at you grant us rest that we may be
granted rest that these things die an
d rest and that I no longer hear her
voice in every voice and she dies an
d rests and I rest and together we rest
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